Sitefinders began way back in 1996, when the founders of the company thought that the internet ‘might be big’. The insight at Sitefinders was always that it’d be simpler to be found as a generic rather than a brand online; hence Sitefinders invested in some generic domain names.

With the Dot Com Crash of the late 1990’s, Sitefinders was in an exemplary position to present the generic domain model. The Sitefinders portfolio grew exponentially over the proceeding years as other companies disappeared.

With over 150 of the 4,500 generic domains owned by Sitefinders developing into distinguished online properties, the Sitefinders umbrella has a massive impact in the UK.

Technological Advances

As web sites grew from pretty pages to serious services, Sitefinders diversified it’s skills with technologies such as .NET, PHP, Java, Ajax, SEM, SEO and publishing.

  • Read about our expertise.
  • Read about Sitefinders contributors.

Many of Sitefinders’ developed properties enjoy superb search engine placements emploring essential user services. These services (coupled with execellent search engine placements) position our online properties into a pervasive scope which is exemplified by our staggering return visitor ratios.

Our Mission

We believe we have a moral obligation to our users, employees and partners.

Sitefinders is founded and dedicated to creating ethical and sustainable online businesses. These businesses should provide informed, pervasive services to our customers. Further still, these should provide employees with meaningful work, self-development and progression.

This means that where we can, we will provide free information and services that may help to benefit the users’ quality of life or enjoyment – whether that be saving money on petrol through our petrol finder on, finding help and support in the Forum, finding help with your diet on or finding the university for you on

This also means that we try our best to reduce our carbon emissions through reducing the amount of electricity we use, the distance and methods we use to get to and from work and ensuring we recycle anything we can.